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petrovisor apps


Optimize your completion designs using MVR/ML to achieve the optimal economic scenario based on your desired outcomes.

How to use PetroVisor's Completion Optimization App

Optimizing these plays requires advanced technology and sophisticated analysis methods coupled with increasingly complex data collection. Companies utilizing the PetroVisor platform can rapidly optimize completions, evaluate asset and corporate-level cash flows, and plan oil and gas capital expenditures. Within a single unified workflow, a user can combine complex data analytics, physics-based modeling, and sophisticated economic modeling processes.

PetroVisor has the capability to include a client-provided fracture propagation model and geologic property-based fluid flow model for physics-based predictive models.

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  • Optimize the completion design of a well and the overall asset investment

  • Compare and analyze completion design vs time, production rates, EUR, and operation attribute profiles

  • Understand parent/child well interference to optimize lateral spacing and multi-variable regression

  • Automated machine learning to quantify and understand correlations between geology, completion practices and well performance

  • Input data can be changed at any point and the outputs are automatically updated

  • Build a capital investment schedule that incorporates debt, equity, working capital, asset retirement obligations, take-or-pay obligations, and funds flow back to the investor

Key Features

Automatic updating routines help users process newly acquired data effortlessly and efficiently

Create sophisticated models by combining data from various sources. Quickly run models and analysis that are shared across teams

Automation and MVR/ML (Multi- Variable Regression/Machine Learning) allow engineers to dedicate their time to making decisions to optimize asset performance

Unconventional Asset Optimization Using PetroVisor

Investment analysis workflows in the PetroVisor platform can benefit any operator or investor group that owns unconventional assets or is looking to acquire or divest properties.

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A Simplified Approach to Completion Optimization

Completion Design Matrix

You decide the ranges of completion and geologic parameters for evaluation of potential completion designs. Every combination of parameters is evaluated, often resulting in thousands or tens of thousands of potential completion designs to include spacing and geologic parameters.

MVR/ML Trained Production Type Curve Builder

Use trained MVR/ML models to predict 40-year monthly production forecasts for a given completion design at a given location. Models can be trained to predict IP90 and EUR and then converted into 40-yr monthly production forecasts by modifying local zero-time average production curves from existing nearby and/or analogous wells.

Automated Predictive Model Training

Select the appropriate completion, spacing, and geologic parameters for automatically training MVR/ML models to predict well performance. Extensive petroleum and data science domain expertise is embedded in the automated workflows to provide useful models without expert intervention. Expert users have complete access and flexibility to modify default training settings for custom configurations.

Well Cost Model

The Well Cost Model predicts the drilling & completion cost for a well using both historical and forward-looking financials such as your commodity price deck. Thus, as the completion design changes, the well cost changes.

Data QA / QC

Use interactive maps, graphs, and tables to quickly understand the quality and quantity of available data to be used for predictive model training. You decide which datasets are relevant to your completion optimization.

Visualizations For Decision Making

Interactive visualizations allow rapid understanding and communication of results for both technical and non-technical audiences. Isolate and convey multi-year optimization strategies and next-well expectations.

Improve The Long-Term Economic Output Of Your Assets

Optimize your completion designs using MVR/ML to achieve the optimal economic scenario based on your desired outcomes.

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Additional Resources

Resources Compl Opt 1-1

Completion Optimization App

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NSI Frac Lessons Learned With George Voneiff

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Completion Optimization App