Power BI Dashboards Best Practices & Troubleshooting

*Note: this article will be actively updated as we learn or agree on the best ways to handle issues with Power BI. Please reach out to your Datagration and/or Power BI admin if this article does not address an error you may be facing.

How can I reduce how often we need to update data source credentials?

  • Ensure that dashboards are on a refresh schedule on at least a monthly basis (more frequent is okay)
    • After setting up data sources or updating their credentials, those credentials are active for up to 90 days
    • Every refresh (whether triggered in the Dashboard page or through an active scheduled workflow) will refresh the validity of those credentials
    • When using a schedule, it's recommended to use the workflow schedule in the Datagration platform instead of the built-in Power BI refresh schedule, because the workflow schedules can be configured to run when data processes are complete. If other workflows are running when the Power BI refresh schedule triggers, dashboards may be incomplete and/or misleading
  • [Advanced] for those managing data sources in app.power.com, consider using a user security group as the data source owner instead of assigning individual owners; this'll allow all users within the security group to manage the data source and take over a data set without having to recreate data sources

How do I handle a failing refresh?

Error Solution
Invalid credentials
  1. *To ensure you are able to use the correct credentials, it's recommended you either clear your browser cache, use a new browser, or use an incognito browser
  2. From app.powerbi.com, navigate to the workspace's dataset settings
  3. Take over the dataset as needed
  4. Expand the Gateway Connections to view the data sources that need updating
  5. In the top-right corner, click on Settings > Manage Gateways
  6. Find the data sources from step 3 and update the credentials to those data sources
    • If the data sources were setup using the best practices above and in using a fresh browser, this should be a smooth process
    • If the data sources were not setup using the best practices above, it may be possible that the data sources need to be deleted and recreated
    • Note that data sources that require deletion and recreation may be used for other datasets, so those datasets will need updating to the new data source as well