Import Tags without mapping

This feature allows the user to import tags without using the mapping functionality.

Navigate to Sources.  


In order to import, the source needs to be connected.  See this article to connect your source. 

The source has to have a specific schema to be uploaded.

In the example above, the header row is tag groups.  The value is tag names.  The tag groups and tag names can be found in the workspace settings section under tags.  

In creating the schema, follow these guidelines.

  1. Create a tag whenever the tag name is present.  In the schema example, the "Operator" tag for Entity 1 from May 2022 - June 2022.  the Status Column would be a tag entry "Offline" for Entity 1 in June 2022 and "Active" in July 2022.
  2. Continue a tag until a new one appears.  In the schema example, the "Operator" tag would continue until a different value appears.

Sources -Sources

Under Sources select the green plus button to add a source.

Select the Connection.  The Data Type needs to be "Other", and Import Type needs to be "Tag Entries."

The preview will appear.

If the Review Data matches correctly for the tags,

Enter a name, then click Save.