What is the PetroVisor Production Optimization App?

The PetroVisor Production Optimization App can rapidly optimize production, evaluate asset and corporate-level cash flows, and plan oil and gas capital expenditures.

What is it?

The Production Optimization app computes the required key performance metrics, which include asset economics, subsurface and surface data.  The app employs industry-standard analytical solutions, physics-based models, and machine learning approaches to optimize and prolong asset life while ensuring continual improvement in field operations and decision making.  Machine learning-driven and industry-standard approaches are used to increase production gain.

What's included: Expenses, Capital Expenditures, LOE, Forecasting & Production Volumes

How does it work?

Using multiple data sources, PetroVisor combines complex data analytics, physics-based, and sophisticated economic modeling processes. The results are used for increasing production volumes, analyzing cash flows, debt and investment needs.

What does it solve for the customer? 

  • Creates a central place to manage and provide consistency in production data evaluation
  • Creates sophisticated production models by combing data from various sources
  • Decreases the time required for manual well assessment 
  • Produces an automatic re-evaluation of top production candidates
  • Provides asset wide surveillance that connects operational and financial surface and subsurface data

Key Benefits

For the Executive: Provides a consolidated view of operations and finance metrics related to your producing assets.

For the Engineer: Computes the required key performance metrics, which include subsurface and surface items. Machine learning-driven and industry-standard physics-based analysis are used to optimize reservoir and field recovery and increase production.

For the Production Operator: Dashboards visualize the daily data needed to prolong asset life, reduce downtime and operate by-exception, while ensuring continual insights in the field operations.

For the Enterprise: Allow users to develop a unified data perspective that generates a sustainable, consistent, and comprehensive view of all your production data, connected and accessible in a single system.

What Dashboards are included?

Asset Performance

Click here for an interactive walkthrough of the Asset Performance Dashboard

Well Status

Click here for an interactive walkthrough of the Well Status Dashboard

Production Summary

Click here for an interactive walkthrough of the Production Summary Dashboard

Other Apps:

Artificial Lift Optimization App 

Asset & Operations Performance Monitoring App

Enhance Oil Recovery Optimization App

Completion Optimization App

Development, Acquisition, & Divestiture App

Environmental, Social, & Governance App