What is an Opportunity?

An Opportunity is an entity an engineer can use to identify a challenge on the daily, mid-, or long-term operation.

Examples of Opportunities are a suggested workover, a new lifting method, or a new perforation applied on a well. In drilling operations, an example would include future drilling opportunities, such as future prospects and drilling locations.  Opportunities can be identified for any physical or virtual equipment in the field represented as an entity in PetroVisor. 

Engineers can address the problem on understanding the outcome of any activity applied to a field. The engineer will have the ability to perform analysis on all activities that can be done to a field; therefore, making better decisions in planning based on the outcome of the Opportunities.  As a consequence of Opportunity Management, knowledge is generated on the proven field, which allows the engineer to select the best outcome and result.

When creating an entity set, all Opportunities are filtered out by EntitiesByType() by default.

  • Select Opportunities on the Entity Tab.

  • After selecting the Entity, the user can select "Is Opportunity" from the toggle on the Information tab.

As an Opportunity, the entity will only be used in scripts for Opportunity Management.  Otherwise, it will be left out of active data sets.