
Returns aggregated value of the specified PetroVisor reference table for current entity and specified time stamp option.

Returns aggregated value of the specified PetroVisor reference table for current entity and specified time stamp option.

TableValueAggregated(string referenceTable, string aggType, 
string valueUnitName, string timeStampOption)


TableValueAggregated("reference table", "Max", 33.3, "Pa", "Current") 
TableValueAggregated("reference table", "Sum", 33.3, "Pa", "Last")
TableValueAggregated("reference table", "Min", 33.3, "Pa", "None")

Returns aggregated value of the specified PetroVisor reference table for current entity and specified time stamp option. 

TableValueAggregated(string referenceTable, string aggType, 
string valueUnitName, string entityName, string timeStampOption)


TableValueAggregated("reference table", "Max", 33.3, "Pa", "Well K", "Current") 
TableValueAggregated("reference table", "Sum", 33.3, "Pa", "Well L", "Last")
TableValueAggregated("reference table", "Min", 33.3, "Pa", "Well K", "None")
Returns the slope at the given key of the specified PetroVisor reference table data curve for current entity, specified time stamp option and specified slope option.
TableValueAggregated(string referenceTable, double key, string keyUnitName, 
string valueUnitName, string timeStampOption, string slopeOption)


TableValueAggregated("reference table", 33.3, "Pa", "m", "Current", "Fit") 

TableValueAggregated("reference table", 33.3, "Pa", "m", "Last", "Interpolate")

TableValueAggregated("reference table", 33.3, "Pa", "m", "None", "Fit")