
Returns the key for specified exact, interpolated or extremum value of the specified PetroVisor reference table for current entity and specified time stamp option.

Returns the key for specified exact, interpolated or extremum value of the specified PetroVisor reference table for current entity and specified time stamp option.


TableKey(string referenceTable, string valueOrExtremum, string keyUnitName, 
string valueUnitName, string timeStampOption)


TableKey("reference table", "33.3", "Pa", "m", "Current") 

TableKey("reference table", "Max", "Pa", "m", "Last")

TableKey("reference table", "Min", "Pa", "m", "None")


Returns the key for specified exact, interpolated or extremum value of the specified PetroVisor reference table for current entity and specified time stamp.


TableKey(string referenceTable, string valueOrExtremum, string keyUnitName, 
string valueUnitName, date/time timestamp)


TableKey("reference table", "Max", "Pa", "m", #01/21/2004#) 

TableKey("reference table", "33.3", "Pa", "m", #01/21/2004#)


Returns the key for specified exact, interpolated or extremum value of the specified PetroVisor reference table for specified entity and specified time stamp option.


TableKey(string referenceTable, string valueOrExtremum, string keyUnitName, 
string valueUnitName, string entityName, string timeStampOption)


TableKey("reference table", "33.3", "Pa", "m", "Well L", "Current") 

TableKey("reference table", "Max", "Pa", "m", "Well L", "Last")

TableKey("reference table", "Min", "Pa", "m", "Well K", "None")


Returns the key for specified exact, interpolated or extremum value of the specified PetroVisor reference table for specified entity and specified time stamp.


TableKey(string referenceTable, string valueOrExtremum, string keyUnitName, 
string valueUnitName, string entityName, date/time timestamp)



TableKey("reference table", "33.3", "Pa", "m", "Well K", #04/25/2007#) 

TableKey("reference table", "Min", "Pa", "m", "Well K", #04/25/2007#)