September 2023

EcoVisor/PetroVisor Dashboards

  • EcoVisor/PetroVisor Dashboards now have the capability to showcase P# Script charts.
  • Users now have the capability to rearrange and resize cards on the Dashboards. This allows for a more customized and user-friendly dashboard experience.

Data View Charts

  • Scatter plots now include a third variable based on time and signal and visualize it in a distinct color.


  • Trend Lines can now be easily added to charts, providing users with valuable insights into data patterns and trends. This new feature enhances the visualization capabilities of all Charts, allowing users to analyze data more effectively.


  • Duration (execution time) is now included on the Runs list page for easy reference and analysis.

Pivot Tables

  • When you create a new table or save an existing table as a new one, the system will only save the table definition during the initial save. You have the option to generate the data afterwards if you choose to do so.


  • With the Excel and CSV connections, you have the ability to load hierarchies and reference tables. These connections also allow you to load tag entries in the format of Entity, Tag, StartDate, and EndDate.

  • Now you have the capability to map entities based on signals.

  • Now you have the ability to "Automatically map entities", making it easier for you to determine which variable to use when adding mappings and creating new entities.

Workspace Settings

  • Labels - The page has been updated to allow you to easily view all items that have a specific label. Additionally, you now have the ability to rename or remove labels from items as needed. This enhancement makes it simpler for you to organize and manage your labeled items effectively.