
Returns optimal/aggregated predicted value from Response Surface using specified ML model and data for current entity. Aggregation can be done within specified bounding box, defined by min/max values along each axis.

Aggregation options:
1. Min
2. Max
3. Sum
4. Avg
5. Median
6. Mode
7. StandardDeviation
8. Variance
9. Percentile
10. Range
11. Count


ResponseSurfaceAggregation(string responseSurfaceModel, aggregation type aggregationType)

ResponseSurfaceAggregation(string responseSurfaceModel, aggregation type aggregationType,
double featureXmin, double featureXmax, double featureYmin,
double featureYmax)
  • responseSurfaceModel
  • aggregationType
  • featureXmin
  • featureXmax
  • featureYmin
  • feautreYmax


ResponseSurfaceAggregation("Response Surface Model", Aggregations.Max)
ResponseSurfaceAggregation("Response Surface Model", Aggregations.Max, 0, 1, 0, 1)