
Returns the value at current date relatively to specified zero date using different values.

Returns the value at current date relatively to specified zero date using specified regression type model created by specified parameters.

RegressionValue(declineRateOrSlope, initialValueOrYIntercept, date/time dateX0, string regressionType)

Regression types:

1. Linear

2. Exponential

3. Harmonic


RegressionValue(3.75,23.7,#04/25/2007 08:00#, "Exponential")


Returns the value at current date relatively to specified zero date using hyperbolic regression type model created by specified parameters.

RegressionValue(declineRateOrSlope,  initialValueOrYIntercept, date/time dateX0,coefficient)


RegressionValue(3.75, 23.7, #01/21/2004 08:00#, 0.92)


Returns the value of specified regression type model created by specified parameters. The value of specified signal data at current date is used as X-value.

RegressionValue(declineRateOrSlope, initialValueOrYIntercept, numericExpressionX, string regressionType)

Regression types:

1. Linear

2. Exponential

3. Harmonic


RegressionValue(3.75, 23.7, "produced water per time increment" in "m3", "Exponential")


Returns the value of hyperbolic regression type model created by specified parameters. The value of specified signal data at current date is used as X-value.

RegressionValue(declineRateOrSlope, initialValueOrYIntercept, numericExpressionX, coefficient)


RegressionValue(3.75, 23.7, "produced water per time increment" in "m3", 0.94)


Returns the value at current date relatively to specified zero date of specified regression type model constructed using the data of specified PetroVisor signal.

RegressionValue(numericExpressionY, date/time start, date/time end, date/time dateX0, string regressionType)


RegressionValue("produced oil per time increment" in "m3", #02/24/2016 08:00#, #02/24/2017 08:00#, #03/23/2016 08:00#, "Exponential")