
Returns the rank of the entity based on the value of specified data expression for each entity. The entity with the lowest value will have rank 1, the entity with the second value will have rank 2 and so on.


  • expression: name of signal


Rank("oil production rate" in "m3/h")

Returns the descending rank of the entity based on the value of specified data expression for each entity.

With "Ascending" option the entity with the highest value will have rank 1, the entity with the second highest value will have rank 2 and so on.

With "Descending" option the entity with the lowest value will have rank 1, the entity with the second lowest value will have rank 2 and so on.


Rank(double numericExpression, string sortOption)


Rank("oil production rate 1" in "m3/h", "Ascending")

Returns the rank of the entity based on the value of specified data expression for each entity. 

With "Ascending" option the entity with the highest value will have rank 1, the entity with the second highest value will have rank 2 and so on.

With "Descending" option the entity with the lowest value will have rank 1, the entity with the second lowest value will have rank 2 and so on.

With "Sport" option the entities with the same values will have the same rank, otherwise entities are additionally sorted alphabetically.


Rank(double numericExpression, string sortOption, string rankOption)


Rank("oil production rate 1" in "m3/h", "Ascending", "Sport")