Run calculations to get results to display in dashboards.
Calculations on data are run through "Workflows." Workflows are imported through packages. Users can also create their own workflows.
- Navigate to Workflows.
- Select the tab "Schedules" at the top of the screen.
- Select Filter and filter by Labels to Basic.
These are all the workflows that were imported through the Basic Package.
Remember that the Haynesville data is brought in monthly. Notice that there are four (4) workflows that focus on "Monthly Scope."
Notice also that three (3) workflows finish after another workflow ends. It means that these workflows run in sequence after the Validate Basic Package is run.
The gray button next to the workflow name means the workflow is inactive. If the circle is blue, it is active.
- In order to run the workflow, click the gray circle for the four (4) Monthly Scope workflows.
To start the workflow sequence, run the first workflow "Validate Basic Package."
- Click the green play icon in the "Validate Basic Package."
- Check the progress of the workflows by looking at the runs.
- Click "Runs" from the tab at the top of the screen.
Notice that in the example below, there are examples for both Completed and Failed Workflows.
- The Basic Package will fail. In order to run the exercise Run the workflow "Cumulatives, Volumes, Rates And Ratios.
The next step is to check the data on the workflow to see if it was successfully run. The Workflow "Cumulatives, Volumes, Rates and Ratios" ran successfully.