Dashboard Access - Row Level Security (RLS)

Users with the Manage Power BI permission can configure Dashboard user access through the Dashboards screen.

Navigate to "Dashboards."

In the Dashboard list, navigate to the person icon on the same row as the dashboard name to update user access.


Click to update permissions.

If no users groups are configured, then all users will have access (as displayed on the screen below).


When a report is restricted, the user can see the groups that allow access as well as add new groups.  All added groups will have View access by default and are given the option for Edit access.

Caution:  If a user has Admin rights in the workspace, they will be able to see data and dashboards in the workspace.

To add a new group, select the "Add Group" button.  

Select the group from a drop down.  

Remember to hit the Save button to save the new access.

To delete a group, select the trashcan to the right of the group.