How do I access the PetroVisor REST API?

Learn about the PetroVisor REST API and access the up-to-date documentation

The REST API provides read and write functionality for both the PetroVisor web app and the desktop app. The API endpoints are organized by the various data models used throughout the apps.

Aside from a few configuration endpoints for health checks, the PetroVisor API offers secure access to read and write data using authentication (signing in via OAuth2) and authorization (via permissions managed by PetroVisor administrators).

Details of the API endpoints and data models are documented in the Swagger links below and are always up-to-date.

PetroVisor Web API (US1)
PetroVisor Web API (EU1)

PetroVisor REST API is available in various languages.


To explore the full potential of .NET environment, one can refer to dedicated `Nuget` package found in the link below. It contains the full support for the above API endpoints listed in the Swagger links. The comprehensive documentation is available in the README section of the `Nuget` package description.

C# Rest API


For all those Data Scientists and Python enthusiast we are happy to let you know that we have the dedicated Python package available as well.

The GitHub repository can be found by the following link:

Python API

Installation from PyPI

`petrovisor` package can be installed via `pip`

python -m pip install petrovisor

package can be futher import as follows:

import petrovisor as pv


If one uses Jupyter notebook or running Python script from console for authorization the user is required to specify the `workspace` and `discovery_url`.

The `username` and `password` credentials can be entered either using the login dialog


workspace = 'Workspace Name'


discovery_url = r'' # US

discovery_url = r'' # EU


PetroVisor API

pv_api = pv.PetroVisor(workspace = workspace,

                       discovery_url = discovery_url)

or by specifying `username` and `password` arguments directly

pv_api = pv.PetroVisor(workspace = workspace,

                       discovery_url = discovery_url,

                       username = username,

                      password = password)

After successful authorization the credentials key can be obtained

credentials_key = pv_api.Key

and can be used during next authorization session instead of `username` and `password`

pv_api = pv.PetroVisor(workspace = workspace,

                       discovery_url = discovery_url,

                      key = key)

Another option for authorizing is by using `api_endpoint` and `access_token` directly. This is useful when Python API is used in the Web Activities;  e.g. through Azure Functions. In this case there is no need to specify the `discovery_url`

pv_api = pv.PetroVisor(workspace = workspace,

                       api = api_endpoint,

                      token = access_token)

Examples: Get, Post, Put, Delete requests

Basic API requests such as `get`, `post`, `put`, and `delete` consist of main URL/route part, as well as optional `data` and `query` string arguments. `data` and `query` arguments can presented by built-in `Python` dictionary.

Please refer to the Swagger documentation for the exact requirements for each request.

PetroVisor Web API (US1)

PetroVisor Web API (EU1)

Make a `put` request

name = 'Well'

pv_api.put(f'Entities/{name}', data = {

'Name': name,

'EntityTypeName': 'Well',

'Alias': 'Well Alias',

'IsOpportunity': False,


Make a `post` request

old_name = 'Well'

new_name = 'New Well''Entities/Rename', query = {

            'OldName': old_name,

            'NewName': new_name,


Make a `get` request

name = 'New Well'


Make a `delete` request

name = 'New Well'


Examples: Logs

To add the logs to the existing `PetroVisor` workspace `add_log_entry` method can be used, with `message` as a first argument and other optional arguments such as: `workflow`, `category`, `username`, `severity`, etc.

pv_api.add_log_entry('Hello PetroVisor!',

                    username = 'PetroVisor User')


Similarly, the logs for the PetroVisor `workflow` can be added using `add_workflow_log_entry` method.

pv_api.add_workflow_log_entry('Runing Python workflow, please wait ...!',

                             workflow = 'Python Workflow')

Examples: PetroVisor Items

Get the list of known PetroVisor item types


Get names of all `Entities` existing in the current `workspace`


Add new PetroVisor `item` or edit existing

name = 'Well Name'

pv_api.add_item('Entity', {

'Name': name,

'EntityTypeName': 'Well Name',

'Alias': 'Well ALias',

'IsOpportunity': False


Get existing PetroVisor `item`

name = 'Well Name'


Delete exisintg PetroVisor `item`

name = 'Well Name'


Examples: Entities, Signals

Get all `Entities` existing in the current `workspace`


Get all `Entity` names of specified type

pv_api.get_entity_names(entity_type = 'Well')

Get all `Signals` existing in the current `workspace`


Get all `Signals` of specified type.

PetroVisor stores `static`, `time dependent`, `depth dependent`, `string`, `string time dependent` and `pvt` signals.

pv_api.get_signal_names(signal_type = 'time dependent')

Get `Entity` names which have specified `Signals` data

pv_api.get_entity_names(signal = 'cumulative oil production')

Get all `Signals` which are stored on the specified `Entity`

pv_api.get_signal_names(entity = 'Well Name')

Get `Signal` storage unit

pv_api.get_signal_unit('cumulative oil production')

Get units in which specified `Signal` can be measured

pv_api.get_signal_unit_names('cumulative oil production')

Examples: Workspace Values

Save `static` data

entity_name = 'Well Name'

signal_name = 'perforation top x'

signal_unit = 'm3'

pv_api.save_data('static', [{

'Entity': entity_name,

'Signal': signal_name,

'Unit': signal_unit,

'Data': 435433.27,


Save `time dependent` data

entity_name = 'Well Name'

signal_name = 'oil production rate'

signal_unit = 'm3/d'

pv_api.save_data('time', [{

'Entity': entity_name,

'Signal': signal_name,

'Unit': signal_unit,

'Data': [

   {'Date':'2023-02-13', 'Value': 436},

   {'Date':'2023-02-14', 'Value': 453},

   {'Date':'2023-02-15', 'Value': 635},


Save `depth dependent` data

entity_name = 'Well Name'

signal_name = 'gamma ray'

signal_unit = 'gAPI'

pv_api.save_data('depth', [{

'Entity': entity_name,

'Signal': signal_name,

'Unit': signal_unit,

'Data': [

   {'Depth': 2010, 'Value': 72.542},

   {'Depth': 2011, 'Value': 73.499},

   {'Depth': 2012, 'Value': 79.927},


Load `static` data

pv_api.load_data('static', [{

'Entity': entity_name,

'Signal': signal_name,

'Unit': signal_unit,


Load `time dependent` data

pv_api.load_data('time', [{

   'Entity': entity_name,

   'Signal': signal_name,

   'Unit': signal_unit,


start = '2023-02-13',

end = '2022-08-15',

step = 'daily',


Load `depth dependent` data

pv_api.load_data('depth', [{

   'Entity': entity_name,

   'Signal': signal_name,

   'Unit': signal_unit,


start = 2010,

end = 2012,

step = 'meter',


Delete `static` data

pv_api.delete_data('static', [{

'Entity': entity_name,

'Signal': signal_name,

'Unit': signal_unit,


Delete `time dependent` data

pv_api.delete_data('time', [{

   'Entity': entity_name,

   'Signal': signal_name,

   'Unit': signal_unit,


start = '2023-02-13',

end = '2022-08-15',


Delete `depth dependent` data

pv_api.delete_data('depth', [{

   'Entity': entity_name,

   'Signal': signal_name,

   'Unit': signal_unit,


start = 2010,

end = 2012,


Examples: P# Scripts

With P# script engineers can process data in an easy and friendly way. Here are some helpful examples of processing P# scripts from Python.

Get P# script table names

psharp_script_name = 'P# script name'


Execute P# script for specified table and get `pandas` DataFrame as a result.

Resulting table will contain columns such as `Entity`, `Date`, `Depth`, `Signal Name [unit name]`

table_name = 'P# script table name'

df = pv_api.load_psharp_table(psharp_script_name, table = table_name)

Execute P# script with all tables and get a dictionary with table name as a `key` and `pandas` DataFrame as `value`

d = pv_api.load_psharp_table(psharp_script_name)

# result: d = {'table_1': df1, 'table_2': df2}

Save data from `DataFrame` to corresponsing signals.

The `DataFrame` should contain `Entity` column, and `Date`, `Depth` columns depdending on the type of signals present in the `DataFrame`.

The signal columns should have format `Signal Name [unit name]`.


Another examples

Check other examples in the examples

and the directory of the Python package repository.