
Returns specified date time parameter value for the specified existing DCA model, when the current or specified time step is inside one of the model segments.

Supported DCAModelDate parameter names (case-insensitive, with or without spaces between words):

  1. Forecast Start
  2. Forecast End
  3. Fit Start
  4. Fit End


DCAModelDate(DCA model name, Parameter name, Time step)

  • DCA model name: name of existing DCA model
  • Parameter name: one of the DCAModelDate parameters shown above
  • Time step: optional time step when DCAModelDate is evaluated. If Time Step is not specified, Time Step defaults to the current step in the scope of the P# script.


DCAModelDate("DCA fit 42", "Forecast Start")


This example returns the start of the forecast from DCA Model “DCA fit 42” based on the current step in the scope of the P# script. Since Time Step was not specified, the current step is used by default.

DCAModelDate("DCA fit 42", "Forecast Start", #10/1/2019#)


This example returns the start of the forecast from DCA Model “DCA fit 42” based on the DCA Model segment that includes the date 01 October 2019 in the scope of the P# script.