August 2023 Updates

New Feature

Scenario Planner

  • Discover a simplified and visually intuitive approach to creating and analyzing scenarios, enabling you to effortlessly compare them with your existing data.


PetroVisor Dashboards

  • You can now easily rearrange the order of your dashboards by dragging and dropping them as needed.



  • New ONNX models have been included for Regression ML models, providing enhanced capabilities for data analysis and prediction.


  • A new feature has been added to the schedule page that allows you to access Entity Sets and Scopes by simply hovering over the item. This enhancement provides a quicker and more convenient way to navigate and manage your schedules.

  • The Schedules layout has been improved to provide a better view of the columns, making it easier for users to see and navigate the information.

Data Model


  • The filter button within the Search Bar has been enhanced to display only the entity types that are currently being used. Additionally, a badge has been added to indicate the number of entities belonging to each type. This update provides a more streamlined and organized experience when filtering entities.


  • None has been added as an aggregation option.
  • Charts in the Data View will now automatically use the line type that is specified on the signal page. This update ensures that the charts accurately represent the data and make it easier for users to interpret and analyze the information.

  • The Signals List page now includes the units for Dimensionless signals, unless they are left blank.


  • If an entity is not defined during entity imports, there is a default entity type option that will be utilized.
  • For tag imports, a new format is now available that includes the fields Entity, Tag, Start Date, and End Date. This update enhances the flexibility and efficiency of importing tags, allowing for a more streamlined and organized process.



  • A new feature has been added that allows users to effortlessly include string time signals in their Data Charts and PV Dashboards when importing a Data Chart. This exciting addition enables users to easily add annotations to charts for specific dates, enhancing their ability to analyze and interpret data.

  • The user interface has been enhanced to allow for easy creation of a cross plot. You can simply flip a toggle in the Chart Settings to generate a cross plot. This update makes it more convenient and intuitive for users to visualize and analyze data using cross plots.


  • Formatting has been removed from the descriptions that appear on the list pages, resulting in a cleaner and more simplified view.
  • Descriptions are now displayed as pop-ups when a user hovers over the information, resulting in a more efficient experience when reading and updating descriptions.

Workspace Settings

  • Now you have the capability to easily add or delete labels in the workspace. When you delete a label, it will be removed from all items within the workspace. This new functionality allows for better organization and management of labels in your workspace.