
Aggregation of grid data supports several options which allow restricting the data aggregation to specific regions on 2D and 3D grids.

In addition, filtering by other property can be done. By default, the first property is used for aggregation, otherwise, the property name or coordinate axis name needs to be specified.

Here are the main categories of aggregation:

  • Aggregate property in the vicinity of the Entity by specifying the radius and sector range, the full range being from 0° to 360°. In the case of 3D mesh, the depth of the cylindrical sector can be specified by up and down depth steps.
  • Aggregation can be done with filters/cutoffs defined by filter property. This allows aggregate data in certain “Layers”, or above/below certain thresholds given by other property values, also known as cutoffs, e.g. aggregating “Permeability” given the conditions that “Porosity” should be above 8% or NTG above 0.1.
  • Aggregation can also be done, if desired, only from a certain number of closest cells/neighbors. This allows e.g. to aggregate properties according to well-known patterns like one-point, five-point and nine-point averages.
  • Aggregation can be done for grid coordinates itself, which is useful for extracting model dimensions in X, Y, Z directions.

Aggregate within 2D sector or 3D cylindrical sector w/o filter

Definition 1

Returns the aggregated value of specified data grids cells values according to specified aggregation type, for the entities which are located in sector defined from current entity.
Uses PetroVisor signals 'surface x-coordinate', 'surface y-coordinate' and unit 'm' for coordinates.


AggregateDataGrid(string dataGridName, aggregation type aggregationType, radius, 
startAngle, endAngle)


AggregateDataGrid("Grid 113", Aggregations.Average, 1000, 315, 45)

Definition 2

Returns the aggregated value of specified data grids cells values according to specified aggregation type, for the entities which are located in sector defined from current entity.


AggregateDataGrid(string dataGridName, aggregation type aggregationType, radius,  
startAngle, endAngle, string coordinatesUnitName,
string signalXCoordinateName, string signalYCoordinateName)


AggregateDataGrid("Grid 113", Aggregations.Average, 1000, 315, 45, "m", 
"alternative x - coordinate", "alternative y - coordinate")

Definition 3

Returns the aggregated value of specified data grid cells values according to specified aggregation type and grid property name, data grid cells are located in sector defined from current entity.

The height of the cylindrical sector is specified using relative up and down steps from the location of the entity.


AggregateDataGrid(string dataGridName, aggregation type aggregationType, string propertyName,
double radius, double startAngle, double endAngle, double depthStepUp,
double depthStepDown, string coordinatesUnitName,
string signalXCoordinateName, string signalYCoordinateName,
string signalZCoordinateName)


AggregateDataGrid("Grid 113", Aggregations.Average, "grid property name", 1000, 315, 45, 
10, 10, "m", "bottom hole x - coordinate", "bottom hole y - coordinate",
"bottom hole z - coordinate")

Definition 4

Returns the aggregated value of specified data grid cells values according to specified aggregation type and grid property name, data grid cells are located in sector defined from current entity.

The height of the cylindrical sector is specified using relative up and down steps from the location of the entity.

Additionally, a filter by property values is applied by specifying filter property name and range.


AggregateDataGrid(string dataGridName, aggregation type aggregationType, 
string propertyName, double radius, double startAngle, double endAngle,
double depthStepUp, double depthStepDown, string coordinatesUnitName,
string signalXCoordinateName, string signalYCoordinateName,
string signalZCoordinateName, double filterPropertyMin,
double filterPropertyMax, string filterPropertyName)


AggregateDataGrid("Grid 113", Aggregations.Average, "grid property name", 1000, 315, 45, 
10, 10, "m", "bottom hole x - coordinate", "bottom hole y - coordinate",
"bottom hole z - coordinate", 0, 0.5, "filter property name")

Aggregate from nearest points w/o filter

Definition 1

Returns the aggregated value of specified number of the nearest to the current entity data grids cells values according to specified aggregation type.


AggregateDataGrid(string dataGridName, aggregation type aggregationType, 
double numberOfNearestPoints, string coordinatesUnitName,
string signalXCoordinateName, string signalYCoordinateName,
string signalZCoordinateName)


AggregateDataGrid("Grid 113", Aggregations.Average, 6, "m", "bottom hole x - coordinate", 
"bottom hole y - coordinate", "bottom hole z - coordinate")

Definition 2

Returns the aggregated value of specified number of the nearest to the current entity data grids cells values according to specified aggregation type and grid property name.

Additionally a filter by property values is applied by specifying filter property name and range.


AggregateDataGrid(string dataGridName, aggregation type aggregationType, string propertyName,
double numberOfNearestPoints, string coordinatesUnitName,
string signalXCoordinateName, string signalYCoordinateName,
string signalZCoordinateName, double filterPropertyMin,
double filterPropertyMax, string filterPropertyName)


AggregateDataGrid("Grid 113", Aggregations.Average, "grid property name", 6, "m", 
"bottom hole x - coordinate", "bottom hole y - coordinate",
"bottom hole z - coordinate", 0, 0.5, "filter property name")

Aggregate coordinates


Returns the aggregated value of specified data grid cells center coordinates according to specified aggregation type and axis.


AggregateDataGrid(string dataGridName, aggregation type aggregationType, axis type axisType)


AggregateDataGrid("Grid 113", Aggregations.Min, AxisTypes.XAxis)

AggregateDataGrid("Grid 113", Aggregations.Max, AxisTypes.XAxis)

AggregateDataGrid("Grid 113", Aggregations.Min, AxisTypes.YAxis)

AggregateDataGrid("Grid 113", Aggregations.Max, AxisTypes.YAxis)

AggregateDataGrid("Grid 113", Aggregations.Min, AxisTypes.ZAxis)

AggregateDataGrid("Grid 113", Aggregations.Max, AxisTypes.ZAxis)